Examples Of Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing.

 Digital marketing is made up of two words where digital means internet and marketing means advertising. So digital marketing means that promoting its service or products on online devices by a company or other type of organization is called digital marketing.

That is, Examples Of Digital Marketing is the only way for this company to market its product and service (ads) on the Internet. Under digital marketing, content marketing, SEO, web design, web ads, blog, affiliate marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, social media, marketing advertising, etc. are all included. The main objective of digital marketing is to attract customers and facilitate them to communicate with the brand through the services and distribution of digital media. That is, connecting customers online. 

Some Popular Digital Marketing Methods Include –

 Email Marketing

Social Media Campaigns

Search Engines


Affiliate Marketing

Influencer Marketing


Digital Marketing Advantage

1. it costs less

2. Digital marketing companies can reach the whole world.

3. Digital marketing strategy can be changed in a short time.

4. Through digital marketing, you can connect with more clients. For example, social media, blogging, online advertising, mobile apps, messaging, etc.

5. Digital marketing removes the shortcomings of traditional marketing.

6. Through digital marketing, the traffic of customers can be analyzed.


What Is Traditional Marketing?

Generally, traditional marketing means that marketing which has been going on since ancient times. Before the world of the Internet, there was a different world. The activities that promote business in this world are called traditional marketing. There was a different approach to doing these activities.


To do traditional marketing, marketing was done to the customers by visiting their homes and seeing the information about the product or service. Or if the customers wanted a product, they used to go to the merchant. But now because of the internet, it is almost over. Traditional marketing has become very narrow in today's time. There is very little way in business in traditional marketing.


Common Traditional Marketing Methods Include –


TV commercials

Radio Commercials




Flyers and posters


Direct mailers, coupons

Difference Between Digital Marketing And Traditional Marketing

1. It takes less money to do Brand Marketing. Whereas doing traditional marketing takes more money.

2. The brand name can be created quickly by digital marketing. Whereas traditional marketing is not good for branding.

3. Digital marketing can be analytics. Whereas traditional marketing cannot be analyzed.

4. Digital marketing can be done in less time. Whereas traditional marketing takes more time to do.

5. Digital marketing can be done 24/7. Whereas traditional marketing can be done 15/7.
